
How to Celebrate Dental Health Month with Students


Are you looking for a quick and easy way to talk about dental health month in your classroom? Look no further. This is an important topic that can be quickly addressed in a fun and engaging way!

Reading Component

Start by reading this engaging book about different traps kids have set up that the Tooth Fairy narrowly escapes. Students will laugh and will be completely engaged. While reading, I like to focus on sequencing and making connections to the text. We sequence the traps and make connections by coming up with our own diabolical plan to catch the tooth fairy on our own.

Writing Component

Next, we talk about what we would do once we have caught the Tooth Fairy. We brainstorm ideas of what we think that she might do each night, including flying all around the world, escaping more traps and encountering other scary beasts like dogs and other animals.

While brainstorming what might happen, we write down a problem/solution for our own stories. Then, students take their pieces through the writing process to draft, revise, edit and publish their pieces into a cute book craft. On the last day, we share our stories with our class or kindergarten buddies. The kiddos love their opportunity to share!

STEM Component

Finally, on Friday, students practice making their traps for the Tooth Fairy out of various STEM materials. This is always a fan favorite, and we talk about really focusing on solving some of the problems that the traps might have had in the books.

Get What You Need:

Wish list this fun “My Night with the Tooth Fairy” writing craft to help launch your dental health month. Don’t forget to snag a copy of How to Catch the Tooth Fairy by Adam Wallace from Amazon (affiliate link).