The Best Opinion Writing Activities with Astonishing Student Results

Opinion Writing Activity Round Up

Are you looking for some fun opinion writing prompts or templates for your primary learners? Using an opinion writing activity rather than a regular prompt or graphic organizer is a great way to increase student engagement. These fun crafts and digital activities are a great way to get your students to write persuasive arguments.

opinion persuasive writing activity round up - cat vs dog craft and project

1. Dog vs. Cat Opinion Writing Craft & Activity

It is an age old argument… are cats better? Are dogs better? Is it best to let your students decide? During this fun project, students will read aloud a text about Cat vs. Dog, laugh a lot, then pick which animal they think is better and defend why.

opinion persuasive writing activity round up - hey little ant craft and project

2. Hey Little Ant Opinion Writing Craft & Activity

Should you squish the ant? Should you let him go? After reading aloud Hey, Little Ant, let your students decide what they think you/the boy in the book/they should do. This is sure to bring up a powerful debate in your classroom about right vs. wrong, but will also encourage students to look at BOTH sides of a story before forming an opinion.

The greatest season digital opinion writing activity

3. The Best Season DIGITAL Opinion Writing Activity

Which season do you find to be the best season? Let your students pick what season they think is the absolute best and defend why. Students will LOVE this digital activity, and it can be assigned at ANY time of the year. You might be shocked to read what students choose!

opinion persuasive writing activity round up - i wanna letter writing craft and project

4. I Wanna… Opinion Writing Activity

Letter writing, persuasive writing, iguanas… what more can you want in a lesson? During this fun activity, students will read aloud I Wanna Iguana or I Wanna New Room, then will start writing a persuasive letter to mom or dad or whomever they choose about something fun that they have been wanting in their life. It could be a new pet, a new toy, a new sibling, a vacation, a new room… the options are endless. Students can either take this writing very seriously, or can get silly and ask for a water slide! It is up to you!

The sweetest person digital opinion writing activity

5. Sweetest Person Opinion Writing Activity

Who is the sweetest person in your life? Let students write about the sweetest person in their life and describe why they think that this person is so sweet. These heartfelt pieces make great presents for Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day or just because!

opinion persuasive writing activity round up - book review craft and project

6. Book Review Persuasive Writing Activity

What is your students’ favorite book? Let them tell you and defend WHY this book is so great! I love this project because I allow students to bring their favorite books in from home. Then, we spend time picking out reasons that this book is amazing. Students will then write their reasons into a persuasive piece telling you why you HAVE to read their favorite book. This craft makes a great bulletin board display, but also a great piece to share with parents at conferences or in a portfolio as well.

opinion persuasive writing activity round up - groundhogs day winter vs spring craft and project

7. Groundhog’s Day Opinion Writing Craft & Activity

Do you want the groundhog to see it’s shadow? Or would you prefer that it not? I love to do this activity during January. Allow students to pick whether or not they want 6 more weeks of winter, and defend WHY 6 more weeks of winter would be a great thing, or why we really should be looking forward to 6 more weeks of spring.

The best candy digital opinion writing activity

8. The Best Candy DIGITAL Opinion Writing Activity

What is your favorite candy? What makes it so great? Let students pick their favorite candy, and describe why they think this candy is better than all the rest with this fun DIGITAL writing activity. Students can complete digital activities independently, at home, in small groups, in centers, with you and more!

The best part of me digital opinion writing activity

9. The Best Part of Me DIGITAL Opinion Writing Activity

What is the best part about each of your students? Find out with this endearing writing project in which students will read The Best Part of Me, then decide what part of them they are the most proud of and why. I LOVE how heartfelt students get with this project, and it is so interesting to see which part of them they identify as being “the best” part of their bodies. You will be sure to learn so much about your kiddos!

What is your favorite opinion writing activity? Drop it in the comments below!