Are you looking for new ways to incorporate digital writing prompts in your in person classroom this year? Digital writing prompts are a great way to get students independently practicing both technology skills and the art of the writing craft. It is also helpful because it is NO prep and easy to assign. Read on for some ways you can use digital writing in your own elementary classroom.

Are you short on time to teach enrichment to your higher achieving students, but still wanting to differentiate to reach them? Digital writing projects are perfect because they can be self-guided, and students are still learning new skills independently. Assign these projects and let students work either in groups on the lessons or alone and check in with them once or twice a week to see how they are doing. This is a GREAT way to push your high achieving learners while still ensuring they are being held accountable for high academic standards.

Ideally, we would be using digital writing projects as enrichment for all students. However, some students might require intervention or remediation on topics they are struggling with. Digital writing projects are great for this because you can find the skill or topic that students are struggling with and assign it to them to work on. This can be done in a variety of settings, but is an engaging and targeted way to make sure your students are getting exactly what they need to close the gap.

Small Group
Digital writing projects can also be completed with you in small groups. After watching lesson videos, students can sit with you while they practice the skill of the day. Students might be working on adding a topic sentence, writing a plan, adding details to writing, or more. But, this work time is a GREAT way for you to be actively monitoring students and assuring that they are practicing the skills correctly.

The great part about digital writing projects that have videos included is that students can rewatch instructional videos as many times as needed so that they fully understand the skill. Then, it frees up your time to really evaluate their work and focus on the craft of writing as opposed to repeatedly teaching the same skill. You can use the writing projects in centers and then have students check in with you before they are done to make sure they applied the skill correctly. This is a “flipped” classroom model, but can work at any level! Allow students to work individually or in groups during this time, but make sure that their writing is their own.

Parent Volunteers or Paraprofessionals
Sometimes it can be difficult to find something for your parent volunteers or paraprofessionals to help with. This is not because they are not able to help, but because as teachers, we have limited time to fully explain how things need to be done. Digital projects are great because students and the adult can watch the instructional videos together, then the adult will know exactly how to help students complete the required task.

Substitute Teachers
Writing sub plans can be daunting, especially if it is for an extended leave. Substitute teachers will LOVE the ease of digital writing projects because they can play the videos to the whole class, then monitor the class while thy work. You can be sure that things are being taught exactly as you would teach it, and then you can check work when you get back to be sure that no gaps were missed. Plus, if you have pre-made videos, there is NO prep work for you and no stress for the sub. Win-win!

Passion Projects
Sometimes your class is being pulled in different directions depending on what their hobbies or interests are. Digital writing projects are fun because different groups can be working on different topics. Some students might be interested in pumpkins, others might be interested in bats, while others might be interested in bugs. However, all students can be working on informative writing at the same time! This works not only for content ideas but for the skills covered as well.

Different students might need help with various skills. Digital writing projects make it easy to differentiate based on student need. You can look at what groups are struggling with and assign projects that focus on those skills for that group in particular to work on.

Fast Finishers
What do you do when students finish a project early? Digital writing is a FUN assignment that students can work on after completing their regular assignments. Put it up on the choice board and you’ll be amazed at how many students choose to work on digital projects while also improve their writing craft at the same time!
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What is your favorite way to use digital writing prompts in your classroom? Drop it in the comments below!