Timely Read Alouds for Fall That Make Kids Beg for More

Best autumn or fall read alouds for the classroom

Are you struggling to find the best books about fall that are NOT about Halloween? While we still want to celebrate a new season, it can be hard to find autumn books to read for kids.

I love to read books about autumn in September before busting out my Halloween read alouds in October. Check out the best mentor texts and read alouds for fall below, including ideas for activities and crafts to accompany many of the picture books.

the best books for autumn | classroom read alouds

Bad Apple

Bad Apple is a tale about two friends that are not “supposed” to be friends.. an apple and a worm. When they decide to part ways, the apple realizes that he is actually lonely and doesn’t care what people think. He would rather be friends with worm and be considered a “bad apple” than miss out on his friendship because of what others think.

the best books for autumn | classroom read alouds

Scaredy Squirrel

While this book isn’t necessarily directly about fall, who doesn’t love a funny squirrel tale? And let me tell you, this book will have your students rolling in laughter.

Scaredy Squirrel never leaves his tree due to fear of danger. He has all sorts of plans for what to do if he were to leave the tree or if danger occurred. Then, Scaredy Squirrel unexpectedly finds himself out of the tree.

This is a great book to discuss emotions, planning, and how to tackle things that might be unexpected. Plus, it is just a funny book to add to your read alouds for fall.

the best books for autumn | classroom read alouds

Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus

To piggyback on the funny read alouds for fall, Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus is a GREAT addition to your fall read alouds.

This book breaks the norm as it requires students to answer back to the pigeon. Student engagement will be high and you will all be laughing along with this funny pigeon.

This book is great to introduce opinion and perspective. You can talk about the bus driver’s perspective, the pigeon’s perspective, or the perspective of the audience. You can also talk about how people might have differing opinions.

Some people think the pigeon SHOULD drive the bus, and some think not. This is a great writing project for your class!

the best books for autumn | classroom read alouds

Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn

Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn is a cute book that follows a young girl who is walking through the town and watching the changes from summer to autumn occur.

This is a great way to talk about the changes that happen in the fall. It makes a good mentor text for an informative writing project about the fall, where students can write about the fall changes or pick one topic of fall and write in detail about that topic.

the best books for autumn | classroom read alouds

Fall Mixed Up

Fall Mixed Up is another humorous tale to add to your read alouds for fall. This funny book goes through all of the things that fall brings… but the book is all mixed up.

For example, it says “Bears gather nuts, geese hibernate,” which is clearly mixed up. At first, students might not notice.. but then hands will slowly start raising and students are sure to laugh.

This is a fun read aloud that can be used to hook students into writing about things that DO happen in fall. It is also a great way to talk to students about the importance of not believing everything they hear.

the best books for autumn | classroom read alouds

The Autumn Visitors

The Autumn Visitors are a family of bears who are exploring all of the fun fall adventures that occur in autumn. They go to the country fair, trick or treat for Halloween and then celebrate Thanksgiving by having a forest feast.

This is a great way to introduce the season of fall and all the fun events and holidays that occur during this time.

the best books for autumn | classroom read alouds

Fletcher and the Falling Leaves

Fletcher and the Falling Leaves is a tale about a cute fox who becomes worried when leaves begin to fall from his favorite tree.

He doesn’t understand why this is happening and he does everything he can to “save the tree”. He is then pleasantly surprised at the end of the book when icicles are on the tree.

This is a great way to discuss different seasons bringing different changes. It could also be used to talk about life cycles of trees or plants.

the best books for autumn | classroom read alouds

Strictly No Elephants

This book is about a little boy who wants to bring his small pet elephant to an animal club and is saddened to find a sign that says “Strictly No Elephants”.

He takes matters into his own hands and begins a club that includes ALL types of animals with no exclusions.

Strictly No Elephants is a story of acceptance that is a great way to talk about embracing differences in the classroom. It can be a great way to address bullying issues, which often begin to pop up in the fall.

the best books for autumn | classroom read alouds

Penguin and Pumpkin

Penguin does it again! Penguin is very curious and is learning all about the fall. His little brother, Pumpkin, is too small to join in the journey, so Penguin brings fall home to him.

Penguin and Pumpkin is perfect to add to your read alouds for fall because of the autumn themes but also the way that it addresses not leaving anyone out.

the best books for autumn | classroom read alouds

Because of an Acorn

Because of an Acorn is a GREAT way to introduce students about all of the “magical” things that happen with mother nature, specifically in fall.

You can use this to talk to your students about different things that happen in the fall because of acorns.. including trees growing, birds making nests, seeds becoming tress and more.

Final Thoughts

What read alouds for fall are your favorite? Drop them in the comments below so we can all check them out!

Be sure to check out my ultimate guide to teaching reading for more ideas to set your reading classroom up for success.

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