Festive Thanksgiving Activities That Will Boost Student Engagement

Festive Thanksgiving Activities That Will Boost Student Engagement

Looking for fun Thanksgiving activities, printable games, hands on centers, crafts, math activities or other lesson plans for November?

Students won’t even know that they are learning when doing these fun turkey activities!

Festive Thanksgiving Activities That Will Boost Student Engagement | november writing projects for opinion, informative, narrative and how to

November Writing Prompts & Activities

Students will LOVE these fun Thanksgiving writing prompts and turkey crafts. Have students write about:

  • Thanksgiving Went Wrong (narrative)
  • My Turkey in Disguise (informative)
  • Save the Turkey! Eat ______ (opinion)
  • How to Make Thanksgiving Dinner (procedural)

This fun November writing pack is perfect for any elementary classroom! You can check out other Thanksgiving writing ideas as well.

Thanksgiving Read Alouds and Summaries

Looking for an academic component to pair with your favorite Thanksgiving read alouds?

These read aloud crafts & summaries make a perfect reading or writing center, or a daily activity for your class to complete.

Simply read aloud your favorite book and then give students time to summarize what you read.

Students will pair their summaries with a simple craft.

Festive Thanksgiving Activities That Will Boost Student Engagement | thanksgiving partner math game

Math BUMP Game

Students LOVE to play games.

It’s a bonus when they are actually academic!

Have students practice basic math facts with this fun Thanksgiving themed BUMP game.

Students will work in partners or trios to be the first to get all of their pieces on the board and be the “BUMP” champion!

Festive Thanksgiving Activities That Will Boost Student Engagement | 2nd grade math worksheets for november

Thanksgiving Math Worksheets

Do you have MOY standardized testing coming up after break?

These fun turkey themed worksheets cover every common core standard.

They are a GREAT review before testing season, plus the Thanksgiving theme and fun turkey coloring activities provide both rigor and FUN for students.

Festive Thanksgiving Activities That Will Boost Student Engagement | fluency worksheets for november

Thanksgiving Fluency Worksheets

Need a quick way to practice math fact fluency with your kiddos? Have students practice daily addition and subtraction with these fun, November worksheets!

Grab what you need for:

Festive Thanksgiving Activities That Will Boost Student Engagement | math challenge problems for november

Math Challenge Problems

Looking for a fun Thanksgiving activity to use during your math block?

These challenge problems are a great way to get students thinking critically about math.

Students will read these multi-step story problems and practice solving them.

These can be done as a whole group, small group, in partners, or individually.

Closing Thoughts

What are your favorite Thanksgiving activities and lesson plans for your elementary classroom?

Drop them in the comments below!

Looking for the best Thanksgiving Books? Check out my favorites!