Easy New Years Goal Setting Worksheet and Craft for Your Classroom

Easy New Years Goal Setting Worksheet and Craft for Your Classroom

Are you looking for a fun way to ring in the New Year for your elementary students? Creating SMART goals has never been so fun. Students will use this New Years Goal Setting Worksheet and Activity to create academic goals for the rest of the year.

Easy New Years Goal Setting Worksheet and Craft for Your Classroom | SMART goals free printable for the classroom or students

What is a SMART Goal?

  • S – Specific
  • M – Measurable
  • A – Attainable
  • R – Relevant
  • T – Time-Based

Smart goals are a one to two sentence goal that is specific (REAL numbers), measurable (you can track it), attainable & realistic (something that can be accomplished), and time based (has a deadline – usually May).

Easy New Years Goal Setting Worksheet and Craft for Your Classroom | goal setting bulletin board for new years eve with graphic organizers and templates

How to Set SMART Goals with Your Class

Look at your EOY goals for your grade level. Make a list of those goals in student friendly language.

Then, you can conference with students or talk as a class about selecting appropriate goals.

Use sentence STEMS to help students create a SMART goal (or create a regular goal without a sentence stem).

Have students draft their goals. Check over their drafts to make sure they are SMART or follow your guidelines.

Fun Craft & Bulletin Board

When students are done and their goals have been met, allow them to create their fun hat craft.

Compile all the crafts into a fun bulletin board for the holiday and winter seasons!

Closing Thoughts

You can grab the New Years Goal Setting Worksheet, Craft and Activity pictured in this post here.

Have you set SMART goals with your students before?

What worked for you? Let us know in the comments!