Dog vs Cat Opinion Writing Prompt, Graphic Organizers and Bulletin Board


ENGAGE students with this FUN dog vs. cat opinion writing craft! Use graphic organizers to help students come up with reasons and supporting details about whether dogs or cats are better animals and to persuade their reader WHY they are right.

This common core aligned writing prompt pairs great with the book Dog vs. Cat by Chris Gall. However, owning this book is by no means necessary for using this resource.

Ideas for Using Dog vs Cat Opinion Writing Prompt, Graphic Organizers and Bulletin Board:

Students will brainstorm, draft, plan, edit and publish a writing piece about 4 different reasons to support their opinion on dogs vs. cats. Afterwards, students will complete a simple dog craft or cat craft to add a pop of color and fun to their writing. These dog and cat crafts make a perfect opinion writing bulletin board.

Differentiation for Dog Vs Cat Opinion Writing Prompt:

The Cat vs Dog Opinion Writing Prompt was designed for students in kindergarten, first grade, second grade and third grade. There are three different planning pages differentiated to different learning styles/grade levels and six publishing options for all learners.

Cat vs Dog Opinion Writing Prompt, Graphic Organizers and Bulletin Board Timeline:

This is a fun writing project that can be taught across one week or shortened to be taught in just a day or two.

What’s Included in the Dog vs Cat Opinion Writing Prompt, Graphic Organizers and Bulletin Board:

  • Teaching Guide
  • Cat vs Dog T Chart
  • Brainstorming Page
  • 3 Differentiated Graphic Organizers for Planning
  • Publishing Pages (6 different primary and intermediate options)
  • 2 Dog Craft Pages and 2 Cat Craft Pages for an Opinion Writing Bulletin Board
  • 4 Rubrics (for kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade or 3rd grade)
  • Photo Examples

Please check out the preview file for an in-depth look at each page.

Looking for other opinion writing projects? Check these out below!

Or get the year long writing bundle to review all genres here: 25 Year Long Writing Projects.

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