Simile Writing Worksheets and Monster Craft

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Simile writing is easy with this monster descriptive writing prompt and craft! Combine adjectives and the five senses to come up with the PERFECT similes to describe scary (or not so scary) monsters! Students will work through a series of simile worksheets to plan their fun simile monster craft.

Ides for Using Simile Worksheets and Simile Monster Craft:

Students will generate lists of adjectives to describe their monsters, then turn the adjectives into similes to describe how their monster acts, smells, feels, sounds and their appearance. There are multiple simile worksheets to help students plan, draft and edit their writing before publishing into a cute simile monster project.

The similes are combined into a flip book type craft for you to either hang up in the hallway on a monster bulletin board or send home.

There are dozens of options for monsters to make, giving students the option to create their own unique monster!

This lesson can be taught in one day or stretched out over five days.

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