The Sky Is Falling Chicken Little Fractured Fairy Tale Writing Prompt and Craft


Need to spice up your fractured fairy tale writing prompts? This Chicken Little themed fractured fairy tale writing prompt about “The Sky Is Falling” is a GREAT way to get students writing creative narratives. It also doubles as a perfect fractured fairy tale craft and bulletin board.

Students will read aloud Chicken Little. They will talk about how they would react if the sky was falling and nobody believed them. Students will then write their own fractured fairy tale about the sky falling. They will practice adding a problem and solution to their narrative writing. They will then top off their creative writing with a fun “The Sky Is Falling” craft.

What’s Inside the The Sky Is Falling Chicken Little Fractured Fairy Tale Writing Prompt and Craft

  • Teaching Guide with Photo Examples of “The Sky is Falling” Craft
  • Student Planning Template
  • 3 Differentiated Student Drafting Templates
  • 5 Differentiated Student Publishing Templates (for primary to intermediate)
  • The Sky Is Falling Craft Page
  • 4 Differentiated Writing Rubrics (for kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade & 3rd grade)

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Timeline for the The Sky Is Falling Chicken Little Fractured Fairy Tale Writing Prompt and Craft

Teach students to write engaging narratives about fractured fairy tales with a problem and solution with these fun lessons. This lesson can be taught in one day or stretched out throughout five days. This lesson includes two versions, perfect for all K-5 students.

Are you looking for AMAZING writing prompts, crafts and bulletin boards for the entire year? Review every genre of writing with these fun bundles:

Grab 40 writing prompts for the entire year here or get individual themed bundles:

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Or snag all 40 of these writing prompts for the entire year here!

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